New Magic Items
This light crossbow of speed +2 is the favored weapon of Reginald Valurian, the master of composition and chief of operations at Foclucan.
Each time this crossbow is fired, it automatically reloads itself with an identical missile, effectively doubling its wielders ammunition supply. It even mimics enhancement bonuses and specially magicked bolts. It cannot, however, duplicate the effects of poison or other non-magical enhancements.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, haste, mirror image, minor creation; Market Price: 90,000gp;
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Electrum Unicorn
The electrum unicorn has all the abilities of a standard unicorn when it is animated. In addition, it will allow its bearer to ride it as a mount. In this case, the unicorn can teleport its rider when using its teleport without error ability. The unicorn can only be used once per week, for a maximum of 8 hours per use. Once this time has elapsed or the command word is spoken, the unicorn again becomes a tiny statuette.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, animal messenger, teleport without error; Market Price: 18,000gp;
Knight's Belt
This fine leather belt has a circular bluish-silver buckle emblazoned with the star and crescent moon seal of Silverymoon. The belt constantly provides the wearer with the benefits of endure elements (cold) and low-light vision. Once per day, the wearer may use detect lycanthropes, dimension door, and sending.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, detect lycanthropes, dimension door, endure elements, low-light vision, sending; Market Price: 53,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Lightsteel Case
These fine metal cases have been specially enchanted to protect the delicate instruments within. Each case must be commissioned to fit a particular instrument, much like full plate mail armor.
A lightsteel case weighs the same as a backpack and confers a +4 bonus to saving throws against damaging it and its contents.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Market Price: 2000gp; Weight: ½ lb.
Shoes of Dancing
These shimmering pointe shoes are very rare and treasured prizes among performers. Wearing them can be disconcerting at first as they seem to have their own strength of will, and will pull a dancer's feet into the proper positions. Only a trained dancer (at least one rank in Perform (Dance)) can benefit from these shoes, adding a +10 competency bonus to his Perform check when dancing.
Wearing these shoes without being proficient in dancing can be quite embarrassing, as the wearer is reduced to ½ movement while trying to control the shoes, who can't quite figure out what they are supposed to be doing.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant, cat's grace; Market Price: 2000gp; Weight: ½ lb.
Spellguard's Belt
This fine leather belt has a circular purplish-silver buckle emblazoned with the star and crescent moon seal of Silverymoon. The belt constantly provides the wearer with the benefits of endure elements (cold) and low-light vision. Once per day, the wearer may use detect lycanthropes, dimension door, and sending. Also, once per day, the wearer may cast mass teleport on anyone wearing a knight's belt, spellguard's belt, or in possession of a silver knight's token. This special mass teleport will allow the wearer to take the party to anywhere in Silverymoon.
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, detect lycanthropes, dimension door, endure elements, low-light vision, mass teleport, sending; Market Price: 66,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
This longspear +2 was at one time the possession of the champion of the Bulpha tribe. It held great significance to the nomadic people who lived near the Spine of the World until its current wielder, Vrajk Scorlsun, was banished from the tribe by the chieftain, who also happened to be his father. Since that time, Vrajk has used the spear with great effectiveness.
Splitter confers the Improved Sunder feat upon its bearer, even if he does not normally meet the prerequisites for that feat.
Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Market Price: 17,000gp.
Staff of Thaumaturgical Might
This staff is crafted of duskwood and set with numerous thin circles of silver, decorated with cycling motes of starry light. In the center of the series of circles is a glass-like sphere that contains the image of Mystra's symbol.
This staff is a potent item of magic for a spell-wielder, as it allows its wielder to cast his spells through the staff, empowering them and augmenting them metamagically. Though the staff itself casts no spells, it allows spells to be cast through it and effected by one or more of the following metamagic feats, at the listed cost. Spells must still be cast as normal, they simply include use of the staff as a focus.
Empower Spell (1 charge)
Enlarge Spell (1 charge)
Extend Spell (1 charge)
Heighten Spell (1/2 levels added as charges)
Maximize Spell (2 charges)
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: 10th level, Craft Staff, any four metamagic feats; Market Price: 108,000 gp
Violin Bow of Precision
This exquisite bow is made of hornwood from deep within the Forest of Tethyr. It is strung with hair from the tail of a willing unicorn, which causes the bow to glow slightly as the intensity of the music grows. This incredible instrument never needs to be tightened and the hairs never diminish. When used to play a stringed instrument it gives the wielder a +10 competency bonus on his Perform check.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace; Market Price: 2000gp; Weight: ½ lb.
This legendary longbow was present at the defense of Myth Drannor during the Yugoloth invasion. It was long rumored lost to the evil horde, but the bow resurfaced over three hundred years later in the hands of the Elven hero Thraximas. After many great deeds the aging hero retired to the Elven kingdom of Evermeet, and once again Faerun was bereft of this powerful force for good.
Fashael Sunspinner is the current owner of this ancient weapon though how he came to wield it is unknown. It is spoken that the spirit of an Elven demon hunter resides within the bow, and if this proves to be true it is certainly possible that it was Xxystlin that brought Fashael back to the continent of Faerun and not the other way around.
The spirit of Xxystlin does indeed reside within the bow, and he often communicates telepathically with the bow's wielder. He gave his life in defense of Myth Drannor and he will not rest until Faerun is safe from the plague of demonkind that destroyed the city. Perhaps the promise of Silverymoon and the unity of the Silver Marches attracted this crusading spirit, coming to defend the new alliance from the remnants of Hellgate Keep, or worse, some as yet unknown threat.
This Mighty Bow +3 gives its wielder several abilities.
First, it confers the Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot feats upon its wielder.
Second, it has a special purpose to slay demons. Any demon struck by an arrow fired from the bow must make a Will save (DC 14) or be held as the hold monster spell for 1d4 rounds.
Finally, the bow automatically dispels magical darkness in a 15' radius (treat as a successful dispel magic) and gives the wielder SR 13 (23 vs. Demons).
Only a Chaotic Good elf or elf-friend may wield this minor artifact.
Xxystlin: Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 10, Ego 19, AL: CG
Personality: Xxystlin chooses its wielders wisely and with purpose, so it rarely feels the need to communicate with them. When it does speak, its wielder's are generally wise enough to heed its words. Its incredible force of personality allows it to control its destiny, though it has rarely been forced to resort to "convincing" its owner.
Caster Level: 18th.
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