Chapter Five
New Game Rules
New Feats
Foclucan Bard [General]
You studied the bard's craft at the legendary college of Foclucan. The rigorous study and musical training that you received there have prepared you well for life as a bard.
Prerequisites: Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music
Region: Silverymoon
Benefits: A character with this feat gains a +2 competency bonus to all Perform checks, and the number of Perform ranks necessary to achieve the effects of the Bardic Music ability is reduced by one. In addition, the bard gains a +2 competency bonus on all Bardic Knowledge checks.
Special: You may only take this as a 1st level character.
Lay Clergy [General]
You have taken oaths similar to those of the full clergy. You are given responsibilities in the temple above those of other lay worshippers or even many acolytes, yet you cannot perform the sacred rites and observances as a full priest can.
Benefit: You gain the ability to cast three 0-level cleric spells per day. The exact spells depend entirely on your assigned duties within the temple - a temple defender might learn cure minor wounds, guidance and virtue, a kitchen matron might learn create water, detect poison and purify food and drink, or a dedicated laborer might learn light, mending and resistance. In addition, the lay clergy gains Knowledge (Religion) as a class skill.
Legacy of the Catseye [General]
You are of the blood of High Mage Ederan "Catseye" Nharimlur, who ruled Silverymoon from 719 - 784 DR. In his youth, he botched the ritual used to summon a familiar and ended up with a covering of light gold fur and the green, slitted eyes of a cat. You share these feline attributes, though through the generations, the fur has almost entirely disappeared.
Region: Silverymoon
Benefits: You gain a +2 to Charisma-based skill checks with Silveraen and a +2 to Reflex saves. Any animal companions you gain as a result of class advancement, such as a druid's animal companion or a wizard or sorcerer's familiar, is always a feline of some kind. Knowledge (Local: Silverymoon) is a class skill for you.
Special: You may only take this as a 1st level character.
University Alumni [General]
You learned your art of casting arcane spells while attending the University of Silverymoon, rather than from a single mentor. You have had the benefits of a broad education in the wizardly arts, including the specialized training in the various Colleges of Magic that make up the University of Silverymoon.
Benefits: You begin the game knowing more spells than the average wizard. You may add one spell into your spellbooks for every point in the ability modifier that corresponds to the ability of your school of specialization. If you are a generalist wizard, you gain one extra spell for every point in your Intelligence modifier.
The schools and their abilities are:
Abjuration |
Wisdom |
Conjuration |
Constitution |
Divination |
Wisdom |
Enchantment |
Charisma |
Evocation |
Constitution |
Illusion |
Dexterity |
Necromancy |
Wisdom |
Transmutation |
Dexterity |
Special: You may only take this as a 1st level wizard character from Silverymoon.
Weave Ward [Item Creation]
You can create semi-permanent areas of magical effect by tying spells to a particular location.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Arcane spellcaster level 5th+
Benefit: You are able to tie spells of an abjurative and divinatory nature to locations by imbuing some of your arcane power into a stationary focus. The caster must have prepared the spell and must provide any material components or focuses the spell requires. If casting the spell would reduce the caster's XP total, he pays the cost upon beginning the ritual in addition to the XP for weaving the ward. Likewise, material components are consumed when he begins writing, but focuses are not.
Only stationary objects such as walls, pillars, flagstones, etc. may be warded in this way. Any size object may be warded, but the object's size counts against the radius of the effect. Thus, a 10'x10' well could be warded, but one 5'x5' area would have to chosen as the focal point of the ward. Attempting to ward an object larger than the ward's area causes the cleansing ritual to fail automatically. Creatures and loose objects may not be warded, though an object could be embedded or buried in the place to be warded. Should a warded object ever be moved, the enchantment is immediately lost. A ward can be woven for a base price of total spell levels x caster level x Ward Pool multiplier x 100 gp (a 0-level spell counts as ½ level). The Ward Pool Multiplier has a base value of 1. You must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half this base price. The market value of weaving a ward is equal to its base price.
Other: A character can create up to four ward tokens at no cost when first weaving a ward. These tokens may be of any type, although only Spellguard can create the special spellguard tokens. After that it costs 25XP and 100gp in materials to create each new token, and up to four tokens can be created during one four hour ritual. There is no limit to the number or type of tokens that can be tied to a specific ward.
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